Minecraft Releases: Henrik Kniberg at the agile100

Photo of Henrik Kniberg
Henrik Kniberg
1 min. reading time

The last agile100 of the year had some exciting minds to offer. Let’s start with Henrik Kniberg. Surely the name is familiar to most readers. After all, Henrik is not only the co-founder of the Spotify Model, but also a long-time coach and mentor for agile and lean principles.

Topics like agile product management, XP, Scrum and Kanban or the Squad Health Check model are topics he has been advancing for years in companies like Spotify, LEGO and now Mojang Studios. You can see this immense experience in his talk. In an inimitable way, Henrik Kniberg showed us how releases are done in Minecraft and what to look out for there.

Look forward to an entertaining 30 minutes and a very exciting Q&A session with Sohrab.

How We Make Minecraft Releases (agile100) from Henrik Kniberg

Henrik Kniberg: Releases bei Minecraft

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