What can really happen when you build experiments as a corporate

Photo of Sohrab Salimi
Sohrab Salimi
2 min. reading time

With Paris Thomas, we were able to welcome Alexander Osterwalder and another strategist expert at the Agile100 in July. Since his lecture: “What can really happen when you build experiments as a corporate”, he impressed not only with the incredibly exciting topic, but also with Paris’ unique presentation technique. The use of eight (!) cameras set a new standard in the presentation of online conferences and generated virtual applause from the audience.

The core topic of the presentation was innovative companies and the special advantages they get from this mindset. As with Alexander Osterwalder’s “invincible companies” or the “living strategy” of a Markus Andrezak, Paris Thomas impressively demonstrated what companies are capable of when they have understood that they have to reinvent and develop themselves again and again. This culture of learning creates a thoroughly innovative climate in which companies can continually develop.

“What can really happen when you build experiments as a corporate”

„Was kann wirklich passieren, wenn man als Unternehmen Experimente aufbaut?“

Paris Thomas

“Staying relevant is not an option. It’s a survival tactic!”
Paris Thomas

Paris is a real cosmopolitan. He has already worked for renowned companies all over the world. His clients are among others: Microsoft, Lenovo, Roche, Bayer, the US Department of Energy, Crowne Plaza, Saudi Telecom and many more.

He is personally concerned about the climate, which is why he is not only co-founder of a Cleantech start-up, but also a senior executive in a number of EU Climate Initiative programs that promote entrepreneurship and innovation. In addition, Paris is involved in the training and mentoring of more than 200 cleantech start-ups each year through a partnership with Climate-KIC.
His passion for entrepreneurship, innovation and emerging businesses is evident, and he is happy to help companies bring new products and services to the market in an agile and lean way.

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