User Story

Photo of Sohrab Salimi
Sohrab Salimi
1 min. reading time

Definition of User Story:

A user story is a short, non-technical statement of a product requirement written from the user’s point of view. A user story is usually written according to the following structure:

“As a ❮type of user❯, I want to ❮perform some task❯ so I can ❮achieve some goal.❯”

Use of User Stories:

The Product Owner prioritizes the stories in the sprint backlog that are to be developed sprint during the sprint planning meeting. The team members assign story points to each story to estimate the effort needed to finish the individual stories, and break them down into tasks to be completed during the sprint. When the iteration or sprint is completed, the team should have produced a functional product or deliverable that corresponds to the initial requirement specified in the story.

Benefits of User Stories:

  • Increase productivity.
  • Provide teams with a clear understanding of the requirements and acceptance criteria.
  • Provide flexibility for the product owner and customers to make small changes before the user story is implemented.
  • Foster continuous improvement.
  • Increase value and quality of the product.
  • Reduce risk of defects.

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