Sprint Planning Meeting

Photo of Sohrab Salimi
Sohrab Salimi
1 min. reading time

Definition of Sprint Planning Meeting:

The Sprint Planning Meeting is a working session held before the start of each sprint to reach a mutual consensus between the product owner’s acceptance criteria and the amount of work the development team can realistically accomplish by the end of the sprint. The length of the sprint determines the length of the planning meeting, with two hours being equivalent to one week of the sprint. Thus, the planning meeting for a two-week sprint would last about four hours for example, although this can vary.

Use of Sprint Planning Meetings:

The Sprint Planning Meeting sets the stage for the sprint. The Scrum Master facilitates the meeting while the Product Owner presents and prioritizes the Product Backlog Items (PBIs) or user stories that should be completed by the end of the sprint. The team then breaks down the PBIs or User Stories into manageable tasks. Ultimately, the team determines the amount of work they can accomplish during the sprint.

Benefits of Sprint Planning Meetings:

  • Establish a clear goal for the team.
  • Create team commitment to completing the number of PBIs and tasks agreed to during the planning meeting.
  • Prevents team overload during the sprint.

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