Backlog Refinement

Photo of Sohrab Salimi
Sohrab Salimi
1 min. reading time

Definition of Backlog Grooming:

Backlog grooming occurs at the end of a sprint, when the team meets to make sure the backlog is ready for the next sprint. The team may remove user stories that aren’t relevant, create new stories, reassess priority, or split user stories into smaller tasks. Backlog grooming is both an ongoing process and the name for the meeting where this action occurs (a backlog grooming meeting).

Synonyms for Backlog Grooming:

Backlog refinement

Use of Backlog Grooming:

Once the team finishes a sprint, a backlog grooming meeting is scheduled. Backlog grooming/refinement is meant to ensure the backlog only contains items that are relevant and that meet objectives.

Benefits of Backlog Grooming:

  • Ensures that all features are meeting project objectives.
  • Helps the development team understand priorities and stay on track.
  • Facilitates communication regarding which features are and aren’t important, and why.
Product Backlog Refinement

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