Continuous Integration (CI)

Photo of Sohrab Salimi
Sohrab Salimi
1 min. reading time

Definition of Continuous Integration:

"Continuous integration" is a method for software development in which new code is continuously integrated into the existing code base.

Synonyms for Continuous Integration:

Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment

Use of Continuous Integration:

Once a feature is ready, developers test it and then integrate it into the existing code base. This ensures that the code repository always contains the latest working software. In practice, this process is largely automated through the use of version control tools, team policies and agreements, and certain CI tools.

Benefits of Continuous Integration:

  • Faster feedback so defects can be quickly identified and corrected.
  • Minimization of time and effort to execute each integration.
  • Automation of build and release processes.
  • The software is available at any time.

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